Gerald Pilcher

Chapter 1. Reclaim Your Power of Focus

Your focus is probably the most important factor in the process of overcoming whatever challenges you face. A lot of people think that they have to have the right IQ, or they have to be born with certain advantages, or some sort of other excuse. They think that there’s all...

Live In The Now-Introduction

If you are in any way feeling stuck or powerless in your life, there is a solution. You can choose to live in the NOW or The Present Moment. By understanding this skill and applying it to your life, you start slowing down the „treadmill‟ of stress and pressure in...

Anti Aging Stress Relief

Do you ever wish you were young again? Not the awkward stage of high school or the confusion of college, but the looks. The beauty. Wouldn’t it be great to have people checking you out again? Knowing that you were the hottest person your age in the room. By far....

The FREE Dog Lover’s Handbook

The FREE Dog Lover’s Handbook We’ll Show You How to Properly Care for Your Dog and Ensure That Your Pet Lives a Happy and Joyful Life We want to teach you the proper care techniques for taking care of your pet dog with our valuable eBook The Dog Lover’s Handbook.  It...


Guide to Stopping Nuisance Barking

Guide to Stopping Nuisance Barking: Tips and Tricks for a Peaceful Home Does your dog’s barking have you at your wit’s end? You’re not alone. Nuisance barking can turn even the most patient dog owner into a bundle of nerves. But don’t worry—there are effective strategies to help curb this...


Why a Dog Can Be Considered a Man’s Best Friend

Why a Dog Can Be Considered a Man’s Best Friend Dogs have long been celebrated as man’s best friend, and for good reason. These loyal and loving companions offer more than just wagging tails and joyful barks. They provide emotional support, encourage physical activity, and even help build social connections....


An In-Depth Analysis of Corruption in the United Kingdom

An In-Depth Analysis of Corruption in the United Kingdom Corruption, often perceived as a blight predominantly affecting developing nations, is not confined to any particular geography or economic status. The United Kingdom, with its storied history and established democratic institutions, is not immune to the tentacles of corruption. While the...


Understanding Politics

Understanding Politics: The Heartbeat of Society Politics is a term that often conjures up images of bustling parliaments, passionate debates, and, at times, heated arguments. But politics is so much more than just the theatre we see on television or read about in the newspapers. It is the very essence...